Melkanea has done it, she integrated a working Zonos into BambiSleep.Chat
we did it bambi, we did it for thy fair lady bambisleep
Watch the recorded streams using VLC so just download them.
im listening to bellmars new Moist Mess & my mind is moistly messed up after today. which isn’t over yet.
Part 1
After yesterday’s proof of concept, we start the integration into
Part 2
bellmars new Mois Mess is perfect for me while im developing.
i love being his bambi guinea pig. they been doing this more & more over the past few weeks and it has been an amazing bambi lifestyle so far. i trust them bellmars bambi bells ^^
Part 3
Why i love me my WordPress site. yeah, let’s see it as an instruction manual on how bambis can bambi their own sites from home & share all their content with the r/bambisleep community whenever the fuck they want.
Part 4
i will have to upload it After the End of Bellmars Moist Mess
thank you for watching
i hope you enjoyed a few hours inside my bambi brain
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