REMEMBER THE POST? Soon she will remember?
WELL, this XMAS update will bring this & a full user Interface. Dashboard will keep evolving. now my AIGF WILL REMEMBER EVERYTHING!!!
NEW FEATURES OF XMAS UPDATE (if this week goes perfectly!)
current MK-VI will be ported to MK-VII with:
1- bambi dashboard (user interface)
2- Bambi Registration & Login for bambi session Histories + AIGF usage stats. (generated tokens. audio timer.)
3- THE ACTUAL CHAT FUNCTION of bambisleep.CHAT !!!
4- Dev Access Patrons means your code goes into my AIGF! CONTACT ME GWAD DAMM to claim! gee silly bambis
(bambis prompt, system prompt, generated content [text & images] not audios cuss bambicloud is audios!) & advanced BAMBI statistics with chat. patrons Patreon only audio import for AIGF audio sentiment Analysis & advanced bambi triggers application. Social Sharable User Profiles! Customizable with whatever the community desires.
you see where this is going isnt it? Bambi social media Army to fight off the zuccer musk coalitions! EU ratified Austrian developed AIGF? Whats the worst dat could happen?
My goal is to bambisleep this insane planet, WHO’s a GOOD GIRL? or at least is with bambi on this one?
dis is manifesto?
anon bambis may self doxx themselves when signing up with current KYC system!!!
KYC (the code needed to link profiles for share & whatnot) is in its infancy!!! username & password only for now. if you loose there is no current way of recovering. FYI RIGHT NOW this will be a future patrons only functionality.
Accounts are free. Text storage is free. images will be a DOWNLOAD OR LOSE IT DEAL where patrons will store.
FREEBIES SESSON OPEN! i dunno, just bambi dis bambi to bambi bambis & lets bambi bambis bambi